Availability: On stock
The factor influencing the increase in the incidence of diseases is stress, which reduces immunity and the appearance of inflammation. To support the proper development of animals, Restobal should be administered to reduce the effects of stress, increase immunity and obtain a correct post-vaccination response.
Category: Calves, Cattle, Pigs
Solution for: calving stress, bull stress, heat stress, transport stress, insertion of new units, adaptation problems, production stress, vaccination, viral infections, improved immunity
Application instructions
Restobal stimulates the immune system, prepares animals for the requirements of intensive production, blocks stress and prevents the harmful effects of stress
Additional description:
A mixture of aqueous herbal extracts that affect:
Antioxidant effect
Increasing immunity
Post-vaccination answer
Reduce postpartum stress, which can lower colostrum and milk production and block calcium absorption
The period of increased incidence of infections
Protective vaccinations
Adaptation problems
Preparation for transport
Improving the condition of animals
Perinatal problems
1 liter bottle
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