Ayucal D

Availability: On stock
Multi-herbal formula prepared from herbal extracts and mineral compounds to increase the efficiency of absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

  • supporting the growth of broilers, layers and chickens

  • improving the quality of egg shells

  • reducing the number of bumps

  • improvement of hatchability

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Category: Egg shell and legs, Poultry
Solution for: Poor quality egg shell. A large number of bumps. Low hatchability.
Application instructions

Multi-herb formula prepared from herbal extracts and mineral compounds to increase the efficiency of absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

  • supporting the growth of broilers, layers and chickens
  • improving the quality of egg shells
  • reducing the number of bumps
  • improvement of hatchability

Additional description

The problem of weak shells and increased porosity becomes more pronounced as the hen ages. Once egg production is at its peak, the depletion of the body’s calcium supply leads to poorer storage of calcium in the shells, leading to waste. Supplementing more calcium is not a solution, so increase your body’s absorption of calcium.

Packaging: 10 kg


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