Availability: On stock
The perfect laying curve
Goldeg is a complementary feed that supports the overall laying performance, maintains the laying peak and improves egg production after therapeutic treatments. Goldeg can also support the mineral balance by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and thus contributes to the improvement of the quality of the shell.
Category: Egg shell and legs, Poultry, Reproduction
Solution for: maintaining laying, improving production results, supporting the reproductive and commercial laying hen
Application instructions
Can be helpful with
Maintaining peak production
Decrease in egg production with age
Higher laying – even in older hens
Recovery after treatment
Maintaining the correct weight and size of the egg by improving the use of nutrients
Productivity support
It can affect the proper functioning of the reproductive system
May reduce oxidative stress
Supports metabolism
Support for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus from the feed: may improve the shell
Package: 10 kg
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