
Availability: On stock
Increasing adaptability and resilience

Herbal extracts effectively block the stress mechanisms in the body and allow you to raise the adaptive threshold and immunity. Stresogall increases the animals' resistance to changes in the environment and other stressors, thus reducing the number of falls, reducing the recovery time and improving production parameters.
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Category: Chicks start, Heat stress, Poultry, Reproduction
Solution for: Chick Falls. Poor response to vaccinations. Bacterial and viral infections. Poor hatchability and fertilization in reproductive herds.
Application instructions

A set of herbal extracts effectively block the stress mechanisms in the body. Additionally, they prepare the birds to achieve maximum production efficiency by significantly increasing the adaptation and resistance threshold.


high temperature
decreased immunity, increased number of infections in the herd
transport, changing clothes
vaccination period


increasing adaptability
reducing the number of falls
increasing immunity
shortening the convalescence period
reducing the effects of heat, transport and production stress, etc.
increasing laying

Additional information:

optimal results are obtained when using 3-7 days or according to the consultant’s recommendations
administered in drinking water in a dilution corresponding to the following daily doses
it is not necessary to use the preparation continuously throughout the day
the recommended doses can be administered over 4-8 hours daily

2 l canister

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